
I'm Mitch

I'm an aspiring Frontend Software Engineer with a passion for building web applications with excellent user experiences.
Here's a bit more about me.

Here are some of my projects

  • Frontend Simplified Internship Project

    HTML, CSS, Javascript, React

    Here I transformed a static single page application into an interactive user interface using animations, transitions, and carousels.

  • MovieFlix

    HTML, CSS, Javascript, React

    Here I made a Netflix clone with a working search bar.

  • Treact Template

    HTML, CSS, Javascript

    This is a 1:1 cloned template from the Treact website. One of my first projects so the Javascript is used for the mobile responsiveness of the website.

  • E-Commerce Book Store Mockup

    HTML, CSS, Javascript

    This is a mockup of an e-commerce book store.

  • Hulu Clone

    HTML, Tailwind CSS, Javascript, React, Next.js

    This is a general clone of Hulu that uses Tailwind CSS for styling. The movie thumbnails and genres are generated from a backend API request through TMDB movie database.

  • Google Clone

    HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Firebase

    This is a general clone of Google search engine with a fully functioning search bar that is deployed through Firebase.

  • Twitter Clone

    HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Firebase

    This is a general clone of social media app Twitter deployed through Firebase.